STACC: Code Comment Classification using SentenceTransformers

Pre-trained Language Models

Ali Al-Kaswan

Maliheh Izadi

Arie van Deursen


February 25, 2023


Code comments are a key resource for information about software artefacts. Depending on the use case, only some types of comments are useful. Thus, automatic approaches to classify these comments are proposed. In this work, we address this need by proposing, STACC, a set of SentenceTransformers-based binary classifiers. These lightweight classifiers are trained and tested on the NLBSE Code Comment Classification tool competition dataset, and surpass the baseline by a significant margin, achieving an average F1 score of 0.74 against the baseline of 0.31, which is an improvement of 139%. A replication package, as well as the models themselves, are publicly available

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